Carrel & Partner
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Carrel & Partner
Leadership Coaching
Crisis Management Training
Teaching and Research



Our mission is to coach people to navigate through challenging times more successfully by mastering the art of leadership.


For what benefits?


LEADERSHIP:  Facing sizable challenges and fundamental transitions, our clients can expect to develop a strong self-mastery as well as an inner maturity arising from the development of individual potential, leadership qualities and social leadership competencies. With a more mature leadership personality, they will be able to lead more effectively and constructively.

DECISIONMAKING: We believe that even in difficult times, people have choices and that by entering into a process of reflected choice-making they can create an experience in their lives which corresponds more closely to their goals.

My expertise is grounded in more than 40 years of leadership know-how and practical experience in education and training, including more than 25 years at the professorship level and 17 years as leadership coach. We are committed to a relentless effort of learning and self-development.

Guiding principle
Prepare ahead for eventual crises, because you will enter a crisis with what you have. When the storm strikes, it is too late for a tree to begin to grow roots.
* Carrel L.F., Leadership in Krisen, Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis, Zürich 2010, S. 35.



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Carrel & Partner, Leadership Coaching - Crisis Management Training - Research
Biel, Burgunderweg 30, 2505 Biel, +41(0)32 322 30 32- Bern +41(0)76 457 30 32
Sutz, Schlössliweg 12, 2572 Sutz, Switzerland -
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